Les Girls


A fantasy lots of women have is being with another woman. Doesn’t mean we’d ever act on it, or have an opportunity to explore it, but I think it’s one of the more popular fantasies going. Every time they do a top ten fantasies of women article, this one is right up there, so the forbidden, taboo aspect is appealing and in the minds of a lot of people.

To do something we’ve never done, yet with a body familiar to us as it’s similar to our own. Who could better know how to touch another woman than a woman? We know all the right spots, it can be a very sexy fantasy to have for sure. It’s a lot more acceptable these days than it used to be, society is changing and things that were not spoken of 50 years ago today are beginning to be accepted by the masses in many countries, however since many religious people believe in the bible and it has mention against homosexuality, some will never, ever accept it, no matter if many in society do, they simply will not.

Many still believe therapy can turn them around, when some people still think that way, you just know 100% of people will never accept it as ok. So many have to resort to sexual fantasies for their exploration into behavior they’d never put into practice in their day to day lives. Imagining caressing another woman and having them do the same to you can be very sexy, foreign and forbidden all at the same time.

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