Let Me Feminize You


Some guys that like to wear ladies panties claim they enjoy the soft fabric and that’s it. Others however to desire to be fully made up like a woman. Many even talk about getting breast implants and going the hormone treatment route. One just today said he’d had breast implants 2 months ago on his way to becoming a woman. He was married mind you, so no clue how the wife was reacting to to this change of appearance. I’m sure most are just telling the tall tales they usually do.

Online shopping has likely made it a lot easier for many of these men that wish to indulge their feminization fantasies a lot easier. Many wouldn’t have the confidence to go into a store and get these items for themselves in person, unless they said it was for their wife, but the popularity of being able to buy things from the comfort of your own home has made the availability open to all. There’s entire shopping sites offering garments just for men, like extra large sized high heels and lingerie that you wouldn’t so easily be able to find in a store even if you were willing t look.

It’s surprising to me so many men seem to be into this, the hidden stashes of panties and makeup. I keep telling them, be careful, if your wife finds panties, they will think they are another woman’s, not yours! I don’t think there’s women secretly dressing up as men to masturbate, yet there’s countless men. It’s curious really, why so many feel this desire within themselves. I know it’s harmless, but many if not most women wouldn’t be able to accept their men doing this.

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