Who among us wouldn’t, if we could, go down on ourselves? I would wager there have been untold millions of injuries over the course of human existence from ones attempting such a feat. Obviously for women it’s nearly none but the most flexible contortionists that could even attempt such a thing, but for guys if they are not only slim and flexible but have a long cock, not out of the realm of reality.
There’s plenty of pics online of lads doing just this, so it is happening, and imagine how many more not posting pics online of their solitary accomplishment. I’m sure their parents would be so very proud. I’m clean, I’m shaved, I’d totally do it if I could, as would most I’m sure. Some would barely leave their homes I’m sure they’d be so into their new trick. Masturbation and orgasms alone is a fun time, imagine if oral were also a possibility over and above fingers and hands? Fun times…
You’d get all the pleasure, and none of the risks of what another person brings to the mix, like disease and who knows what kind of hygiene. We could leisurely lick and suck ourselves to ecstasy over and over in the comfort of our rooms, though I’m betting some neck strain does come with a hobby like this one! Unless you have some unnaturally long cock, which of course is rare as well. Until then, we have to depend on other people’s mouths or sex toys that simulate the feeling of a blow job.