Sweet Dreams


Do you ever have sex dreams? Maybe you went to bed horny and had some naughty thoughts on your mind. Maybe you’ve been thinking of someone you have the hots for and went to sleep thinking of them. It’s very perplexing when we wake up only to remember the sex dream we had is about someone we aren’t in the slightest bit attracted to, it may even be someone we really dislike.

We usually cannot control our dreams, so who we end up in bed with is anyone’s guess when we close our eyes to dream. Wet dreams for men can be very satisfying and they wake up with some wet sheets from their ejaculation. Most often it’s because they hadn’t ejaculated in a while and had a load built up and their body was simply cleaning out the pipes so to speak. Women too can wake up having an orgasm, although it’s more rare and often a pleasant surprise to wake up, especially since you aren’t even touching yourself when it happens.

Most of us would like to have more frequent sex dreams, for guys if they abstained from having an orgasm, the chances are higher for them to have a wet dream, but overall, some people have them, some people don’t, as much as we’d like to. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to pick the person of our choosing and have wonderful, fulfilling sex dreams about them every night? Not really possible for most of us. Maybe in the future something will happen that we can better control our dream time thoughts, it’s something to dream about, any way.

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