Expressing ourselves sexually to our partners can sometimes be a point of stress if what we consider exciting is considered taboo or outside the norm in anyway unless we know our partners share those same interests.
A client I spoke to for hours last week that is heavily into the BDSM scene said his wife has no idea about his secret interest. He has sent me pics of women in cages and hoods and strapped to crosses and wheels and tied up with rope and all sorts of things,a and his wife apparently has no idea about his secret interests. He keeps everything in a rented storage locker and has things in boxes labeled with “Destroy upon death”, to spare her from knowing.
I can’t imagine if I was her going to the said storage locker after his death and not going through each and every box. But that’s just me. And honestly, I would be upset at such a find. So I hope he’s entrusted such a duty to a lawyer or something. They wouldn’t care or likely be curious, but a wife sure would be.
He has had a colorful past with slaves and submissives and this wife apparently is clueless to the entire situation. Makes you wonder how you can live with someone for 20 years and not know what’s really going on with them inside their head. He feels she’s too sensitive a person to be able to deal with the info though, so she’s been kept in the dark all these years. Let’s hope he gets his wish and has things go to the grave with him, but if he wanted to make really sure, he’d dispose of the items before he died.