What many find absolutely blasphemous is a mixture of anything sexual with religion. Ones that have Hierophilia however find it very arousing and are in fact very religious themselves.
A good client of mine was a church Vicar and used to LOVE when I would say Jesus Christ over and over, taking the name in vain. I myself am an atheist, so saying it didn’t bother me, but to him it was wicked and forbidden to use the term in a sexual conversation.
There actually are baby Jesus butt plugs and ones that really do masturbate with with crucifixes and the like. Ones that get into this fetish often get so worked up during sermons, that the excitement is sometimes transferred to a sexual feeling. There are different types of arousal, and they can get confused for some individuals. The feelings of excitement, anticipation, and exaltation can take on a sexual feeling for some, and they want to experience that arousal and high they do during religious fervor in a sexual sense and seek to either have sex or masturbate in a religious environment like a church, which of course they know is forbidden.
For ones not religious, it is hard to grasp the connection, yet for some it is quite an attraction indeed. Imagine the sexual role plays with the man dressed up as the priest, and the woman dressed up as a Catholic school girl. Using a rosary as anal beads, oh my, all sorts of naughty scenarios can come to mind…