You Masturbate Where?

There’s plenty of men that are lacking privacy. They had more privacy as kids living at home than they do as married men it seems. The car seems to be a popular place to go and masturbate. They can easily drive away to some dead end road, or a corner in a parking lot away from prying eyes. A few also have detailed their secret place as a garden shed. The basement is another place, as is the garage. One has even mentioned a rented storage facility. There’s no end to the places ones will sneak off to to get a little “me time.”

It’s kind of sad really. One caller the other night was really cold outside in his shed he goes to jerk off in, since he can’t chance getting caught by wifey in his own home. I’d consider myself a failure as a wife if I had driven my own husband out of the house to have some privacy. In the summer he’s got the mosquitoes to worry about in his little masturbation shed, in the winter, it’s too cold to stay out there for long. One caller would wait until his wife went to bed, and he’d get on the sofa and pile a blanket over himself so if she came into the room, she couldn’t see what he was doing under the blanket. This would be a bit questionable in warm weather though. You’re not usually covered with blankets in the summer.

Everyone deserves some privacy without having to go to such bizarre extremes, yet we hear about them every day. One man would wait until he was at work and go into the supply closet. He said it’s the only place other than his car where he’s not apt to be disturbed. Imagine rubbing one out in a closet filled with paper towel rolls and boxes of supplies. What the horny must stoop to for some privacy.

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Spank Me, Please!

There’s lots of callers into spankings, so many have tools they use to spank themselves with on the phone while you count how many strikes. Some are spanking their dicks, others their ass. It’s fairly rare you get a caller that is looking to spank the woman, they are the ones that usually crave the smacks on their ass. The ones that really get into it howl with pain at every strike. It’s fun to laugh at their silliness as they are spanking themselves. I saw the picture of the old spanking machine and immediately thought of several callers that would love to have such a device if they were being made today.

I can just see them getting it all set up and wanting a lady to watch them on cam as they were paddled to a state of redness and arousal. Their buns would be red, and their dicks would be hard. So many like to discuss spankings they got decades ago in their youth and the effect it had on them. Mommy’s spankings had mush more effect on them than the punishment she intended. I’ve often thought if those women knew they were creating a life long spanking fetish, they’d never do it in the first place.

It’s amusing how many started with being punished when they were younger. I don’t think I’ve ever heard from a man that has a spanking fetish that didn’t get spanked when he was young. This is not something ones get into for the first time as an adult, the seed was planted in childhood for this fetish, usually at school with corporal punishment, or at home by mom. Ones in their twenties and thirties don’t just seem to have an interest in it one day out of the blue. Oh well, tan your own hides until they’re red, we phone sex ladies will continue to laugh at you as you do so.

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Sex at Christmastime

It’s that busy time of year again, and many don’t have time to shop, let alone fuck or masturbate. A quickie on the sly is about as good as it gets for many in the month of December. So much partying, running around, shopping, cooking and entertaining, who has the time to entertain themselves and their libido? Office parties, family get togethers, your balls don’t understand why they are suddenly being neglected. A fast rub out in the shower just might have to do until the hullabaloo is over and January is upon us.

Some that are single might have a bit more time for such self indulgences. Some callers have already confessed they have to retreat to their cars for some alone time. Which can be a bit awkward in the cold, have to turn the heater on so their Willie’s don’t shrivel up in the cold! You can get your Christmas groove on and find some sexy time, but proper planning is a must. Plans often do go awry at this time of year as well, so be prepared for anything. If you have a willing partner, spontaneity is a plus for last minute changes to plans.

You might be at family or friend’s homes over the holidays, and that can be a bit daunting as well, since you don’t want them to think you’re fucking in their home in most cases. Have to be quiet, no moans, no creaking bedsprings. Maybe put a comforter on the floor to prevent those telltale squeaking noises. You can have lots of fun as long as you’re willing to roll with any last minute changes. Make the most out of that trip to the garage or basement and have some fun on the way to collect the hidden gifts, but don’t get cum on them when bringing them back up. That’s just gross and not very Christmasy!

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Soaking in Your Clothes

There’s a man that’s been making the rounds and his fantasy is to make the woman on the other end of the phone put on clothes and then lay down in a tub full of water and sit in there. What phone sex operator would be willing to do such an insane thing, you cannot imagine. He’s serious, he’s not looking for roleplay, but actually to talk to the woman as she gets dressed and then hear her fill up the tub and then step into it and lay down fully dressed. He asked if I had high heels, I said sure, then he said what kind. I replied open toe. He was disappointed, and said closed to shoes would hold in the water. Who in the world thinks such things?

Then he suggested jeans after I said a red dress would be nice. I can only imagine getting out of a pair of wet jeans in a bathtub. It would be horrible to get out of them, very difficult. I guess that’s why he liked the idea! It would be not easy to wriggle out of jeans that would practically stick to you. He wanted to hear the tub fill, you get down into the warm water and then speak as you sat in it. It really was a lot to ask.

The fantasies some have are indeed unique and have special significance only to them. I wanted to find the root of this fantasy, to see why he focused so on a dressed woman soaking in a tub. He seemed rather disappointed when I didn’t seem to be actually able to meet his request and turn on taps and don a dress to soak in. The amusing and remarkable fantasies one hears about in this job are memorable to say the very least!

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Falling in Love with Your Own Hand

There’s no shortage of absurd things that callers come out with during calls. One today said, “Every day that goes by, I fall more in love with my own hand.” He’s in good company with the masturbators that call. They’re all in love with their own hands as well. Many can’t get women for one reason or others, or even ones that have women and are married, the wife has closed up shop years ago and cut them off from all sexual activity. So their own hands are the only sexual outlet they have. They do make use of them.

Many claim to masturbate daily, some up to five times a day. It almost seems like a part time job with that kind of time devoted to it. Then you get ones that will go weeks or months. One the other day said he felt it could lead to mental weakness to masturbate too much. You really do hear it all. From ones devoting hours a day, to ones trying their best to avoid it as much as possible to avoid mental weakness or physical depletion. One would think their sperm is a finite resource the way some go on.

One caller I have I watch on cam once in a while is quite the ambidextrous masturbator, flipping back and forth from hand to hand with ease. I rarely watch ones, so I cannot with certainty say how many use both hands equally rather than one hand dominantly. I guess when your hand is your only sexual outlet, it’s not that out of the realm of reality you’d “fall in love with it.” It’s your only girlfriend. One guy that calls has a pocket pussy, and he thinks of it as his girlfriend. Sad lot some of these characters are that call.

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