Summer Camp Sins

Lots of people went to summer camp growing up, I went away a few summers myself after being enchanted with the idea after seeing The Parent Trap movie. It made camp seem like so much fun, and it was! Being away at camp though does not mean your levels of horniness change, it can actually be very frustrating to find any alone time to masturbate, something most campers must struggle with, especially if they are only children used to having their own room and privacy and all of a sudden they have several other girls sharing the same room and you’re dying of horniness.

One night I just couldn’t take it anymore, it had been nearly two weeks since I’d had an orgasm and I was going insane, so I decided to wait until the rest were sleeping, or so I thought, and with as little movement as possible, reach down and rub my clit until I came. When I did cum, I noticed one of the other girls watching me and then I noticed she was masturbating as well, we didn’t say a word, but several nights during the summer camp we would wait until the others went to sleep and then do it as quietly as we could, it was quite a naughty secret.

I don’t know how the others managed, it was difficult as hell as it was, we couldn’t have been the only ones that were horny, but getting alone time was damned near impossible. When I got back home I must have masturbated three times a day for a few weeks, since it was so nice to finally have the privacy to do so!

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Old Friends

Last week when I was going bargain hunting at an antique sale I ran into an old friend of mine that had recently moved back to town. We had been fuck buddies back in the day and very active ones at that. He recognized me instantly even though it’s been many years since we last saw each other. We had coffee after we were finished at the sale and talk moved back to, “Would you like to pick up where we left off?” Neither of us was seeing anyone, so it was a definite “yes.”

Sometimes you can just pick right up where you left off with someone and it’s as if no time has passed at all and it’s wonderful. His cock was just as I’d remembered it, and he said I was still as tight as I used to be. We have been meeting up more nights than not and it’s wonderful to have someone to play with on a regular basis again. It’s been a while since I had a boyfriend, so pussy was glad to see some action again from someone other than my own hand.

I love getting fucked by him, it’s comfortable and familiar and he knows all the right spots to touch, we arouse each other so well since we know each other’s bodies so well, it’s fantastic. I always loved to ride his cock and rotate my hips just so, making my stiff clit rub against his hard shaft. It didn’t take me long to cum and he filled me with his load the same as he always had before, and it was wonderful.

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Fanny Punishment

One of my callers likes what he calls, “Fanny Punishment.” He likes to imagine he’s at an all boys school and the school nurse makes the rounds every few nights in the boys dormitory to both take temperatures and sometimes administer spankings. Occasionally if she feels they need a release, there’s an electric anal probe that’s inserted to induce a prostate orgasm. Sometimes fingers are inserted first, gloved and lubed, and then the probe. If they have misbehaved in anyway, the probe will be turned on and it’s got a dial from one to ten, and the worse they have behaved, the higher the dial is turned up, hence the fanny punishment.

The moans that ensue when the spanking is administered are loud and haunting. They have been naughty teenaged boys after all, masturbating in their beds once the lights go out, so there needs to be some punishment doled out by the nurse once such activities are discovered. Only she will determine when a release is actually required, they are not allowed to do it on their own.

Schools, nurses, punishments, spankings and anal examinations and probes and yes, even temperature taking can all be fairly common elements in men’s fantasies. Not something one would think is as common as it is, but we do hear it quite a bit. The younger, horny man, who’s desires will be met by a more knowledgeable older woman, and only on her terms. Controlled orgasms are popular among the masturbators, they like relinquishing that control to another, it can produce a much more powerful orgasm.

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What The Yard Man Saw

Recently I was quite horny, nothing odd about that, I masturbate nearly every day, but this particular day, I’d forgotten the man that cuts the grass was coming and I was masturbating in full view of the window that look out onto my backyard. I had headphones on, so I couldn’t hear the sound of the lawnmower outside the windows and I was just rubbing my pussy in my chair, nude, right after having come out of the shower, eyes closed lost in the music I was listening to and the sensation of my own fingers teasing my pussy.

I was dragging my cunt juices up over my clit, driving myself wild, wiggling my fingers on my stiffened clit and working my nipple in my left hand, and I came, explosively and was breathing hard and all of a sudden I looked up and the yardman was staring at me through the window with his mouth hanging open. I was so shocked I was paralyzed and didn’t know what to do. I didn’t need to worry, as soon as he saw me looking back at him, he went away from the window and went back to mowing the grass.

I was a bit embarrassed to have been seen that way, but he really had no right to stare at me in my own home either, so when he came to the door to be paid, I was dressed by then and acted as though nothing had happened. He never mentioned it and neither did I, but I always thought how he saw everything that day he cut the grass. I’m sure he never forgot it either.

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Extreme Cock & Ball Torture

Some men have an interest in cock and ball torture. Most aren’t too extreme, but once in a while you get someone that is as about extreme as you could get. One this week wanted to talk about being tied down on his stomach, while drugged, and having a woman stick a knife up his ass, not even just stick it up, but stab it repeatedly, and then cut off his hard cock with surgical bone cutters and fuck his stabbed ass with it. It was disturbing to say the very least.

It’s curious to me what would make someone find such a scenario arousing, but some do have extreme tastes that only they understand. Now one would assume they don’t actually want it done to them, but they like to visualize it being done. Some have called with a dozen rubber bands around their cock, or hitting their junk with a shoe while sitting on a wooden kitchen chair and you can hear the thumping as they hit it over and over and scream.

Some have had pain inflicted by girlfriends and associate pain with a good time, some people have odd associations in their brain, but for castration or penile dismemberment fantasies, I’m not exactly sure where the pleasure is in that. One caller used to talk about fantasizing I’d cut off all his junk and carry it around in a Ziploc bag in my purse. Now wouldn’t that be a charming item to carry around with your lipstick and wallet?

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