I well recall the horror I felt when a woman I knew said years ago in all seriousness, “If rape is inevitable, enjoy it.” You can’t imagine anyone saying such a thing. The taboo of sexual assault is sadly an all too real reality for many women. There is a little discussed situation that arises in up to 20% of rape victims. They have an orgasm. When rape victims experience an orgasm during their attack, they actually statistically have a harder time getting past the experience than ones that did not. They feel guilty sometimes, they question if they in fact invited the attack at times in the aftermath of their recovery.
The fact is physical stimulation during rape or childhood molestation can indeed bring about an orgasm against their will. Your body truly can have a mind of its own and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Thankfully I have no first hand experience with this, but I read enough about women that did, and the shame they felt. Many even feel the 20% is under reported due to the shame, that if they told people they orgasmed during the attack, they wouldn’t be believed that the entire attack was against their will in the first place.
Biologically it may have its roots in our genes from the cave man days. Back in the Neanderthal days, it wasn’t all romance and Valentine’s like romance and love can be made out to be today. Sexual encounters were often brief and brutal, and it’s been proven that orgasms aid in conception. The contractions suck up the sperm more so than if a woman didn’t orgasm. These physical reflexes we have no control over have very deep roots indeed. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be victimized physically, and to have your body betray you in a way as well.