Just a Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Medicine go Down

Many callers like to lick up their own cum. They can be very creative with how as well. I’ve heard all about cum cubes, shot on popcorn, strawberries, straight up, you name it. However recently a caller mentioned something I’d never heard of before. He liked a bit of flavoring in his cum shots, and he said before he’d begin to masturbate, he’d put several drops of vanilla extract into the shot glass he planned to cum in. Then when he was ready to shoot his load, he’d get the cup ready, squirt into it, give it a swirl to mix it, then down it. He said the vanilla made all the difference.

No matter how many years you’ve been doing this, you still hear something new or different fairly frequently it seems. I’ll never look at a bottle of vanilla extract the same way again when I use it for baking. He can’t be the only one adding some kind of flavoring to his cum, but he’s the only one that’s ever mentioned it. I’ve never quite understood why men want to do this in the first place.

I think it’s normal to try it once or twice, a drop or two to see what it’s like, I’ve certainly tasted my own juices on my fingers after masturbating a couple of times in my life, there was very little taste actually, but for them to literally drink it all down each and every time they do it, I don’t know you’d want to. Not all cum in a glass, some just scoop it up off their skin and lick it from their fingers. More often than not, they chicken out at the last minute, but some are true lovers of their own cum and down every drop they shoot. Try some vanilla next time, maybe almond extract? Hey, if you’re a baker, you might have several different kinds of flavorings to try!

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