

Sex can be very emotional for some of us, at times our emotions can overwhelm us, especially ones that feel things very deeply. For ones like that, it’s not unheard of to cry during or after sex or masturbation. This may be upsetting or confusing for our partners if during sex all of a sudden their partner bursts into tears, especially of they do not know them that well. The one crying may try to hide their tears, since they know it will be confusing for their partner.

It can be very overwhelming to be so overcome with emotion that tears pour forth at times of such heightened emotional intensity. Some call the phenomena “crygasms,” there’s even porn devoted to women crying as they have sex or masturbate. There is also a related fetish where guys get off on having sex with crying women, but it’s different, they want to make them cry, the ones overcome with emotion can’t help crying and it’s often distressing to their partners when it happens and it’s hard to conceal bursting into tears and might even cause them to lose their erection and things go south from there.

Would be ideal if the ones that cried could find the ones that seek out tears, but that would be a fluke for them to find each other, since the ones that are crying, it’s not a fetish, they can’t help crying. Not everyone is even capable of understanding the depth of emotions that would cause such to overflow that way.

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