There are more guys calling that have never had sex than one would think. Most are not religious, it’s just social awkwardness or small penis size that’s stopping them. One called last night and said he was only four and a half inches, so at thirty four, he’d never yet approached a woman since he knew it would be rejection and failure for him, so why even try? Yes, that’s small, but it could be two or three inches, even worse. Many have given up before they’ve even tried, yet they also in many cases will not even try an escort, since they feel they would reject them and ridicule them as well.
It’s sad to see so many that don’t even give themselves a chance, that are settling for a masturbation only life. At least the married men that have settled into the masturbation only life had some sex at some point in their past, but they have become like beaten dogs and given up as well, even though dick size is not necessarily their problem. It’s sad to talk to so many deprived individuals who have given up on life and have no confidence to do anything to change it.
Not all are perverts and weirdo’s, many seem like normal men with just the simple lacking of social skills and are lost. You offer them solutions like assertiveness training and they wouldn’t even think of it, they know it would be just a waste of time. One in his sixties said it’s just too late for him to even try with women anymore. He’s divorced, so he’s had sex, but he feels likely for the last time, and that was around fifteen years ago. He’s just too shy and afraid to approach women whatsoever. Masturbation is just easier. You can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped, and most do not ultimately.