Talk To Me


Surprisingly not everyone calling a phone sex line is looking for someone to talk naughty to them while they masturbate. Some are just looking for conversation. Not all are depressed or have problems, they simply don’t have anyone to talk to. One such caller I had this week has a small family and they were of a religious sort and he didn’t feel he could talk to them. He had no wife, no girlfriend, and goes to escorts and knew there’s no way his family would approve.

Some callers are honestly not the most exciting people in the world and they need to pay others to listen to them, they have no friends and it’s not hard to see why, but they get lonely too. We may not be psychiatrists, but we fill a need for many callers that just want to talk. Talk about their jobs, their experiences, their goals and dreams. Some do end up masturbating towards the end of a call like that, but not always, it’s not always their goal to cum. Some callers will never masturbate on a call, some have even said they’d consider it rude to do so! Even though that’s why most are calling, trust me, we will NOT be offended if you masturbate……lol.

We do serve a purpose, and helping people that are lonely is important work, for some we are their only friend they have, sad though that may sound. When one called me from drug rehab since mine was the only number he could remember, that’s what makes you know you really are somebody these callers count on.

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