Removing The Shame From Masturbation


For many people masturbation will always be taboo. Ones into religion will always be going on about how sex should ONLY be for procreative purposes and to touch yourself for pleasure is lustful and wrong. I was however glad to read recently that in the last few years, both England and the Netherlands have both come out with government sponsored programs to encourage the youth of the nation to masturbate at least once a day.

I was shocked to read they were both so forward with this plan, yet they realize it will likely cut down on teen pregnancy and possible date rapes to do so. I was thinking how in America this would never fly, way too much puritanical thought processes still in charge and Alabama still with sex toy laws on the books, yeah, not happening anytime soon in the States to have the government encouraging the youth of the nation to rub one out for the lowering of teen pregnancy rates etc. Makes sense, but would never happen. It was only in 1994 that Joycelyn Elders the Surgeon general of the United States was fired for wanting to promote teen masturbation in school sex education programs.

A woman ahead of her time. If only everyone was as practical thinking as she was. She too saw the benefit of it in the decreasing of riskier sexual behaviors that could lead to unwanted pregnancies and possible sexually transmitted diseases. It’s such a shame people don’t view a sex drive the same was as a drive to sleep or satisfy hunger. It’s a basic drive we have, and there’s no shame in satiating it. You don’t need to whip it out and jerk it on the mall bench, but there’s no shame in your own room or bathroom to deal with it. It’s a lot more accepted now that it was a few decades ago, but we still have a long way to go.

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