Many women do not wish to engage in sexual activity during that time of the month. Others don’t care, same goes for guys. Others long ago earned their red wings. Believe it or not some guys actually have a thing for doing it when the lady is bleeding. Even oral sex. I just wouldn’t feel fresh for that. A client I talked to a while ago said he would lick anything that came out of a woman and any man that wouldn’t wasn’t a real man. I appreciated his sentiment, but I can’t grasp the appeal of that.
He’s not the first to call with such an interest. As long as no cramps, I could go along. I can see a guy not wanting to get in the fray and get all yucky, but you can just shower after, or even do it in the shower, that’s the most practical. Blood clots on the tongue. I actually recall reading in a romance novel about that, it was the written version of “Endless Love” I read when I was quite young I believe. There’s worse body fluids guys are into than menstrual blood. Many religions consider sex during periods taboo, and many won’t even allow women to enter a church or a temple when they are bleeding, Lord, why not just send them to the caves like they did in ancient times, the unclean beasts!
For every bodily function, you can rest assured many are fetishizing it and dreaming and fantasizing about it and wanting to get into it, literally and figuratively. For some it relives cramps, for others doesn’t really do much either way. It usually always increases bleeding after an orgasm, since it increases uterine contractions and heavy bleeding usually lasts for hours afterwards. It all depends on what you’re willing to tolerate.