Pussy Farts


While not quite as bad as the accidental fart in bed, “queefing”, rather a strange name to be sure, is a fart of a different sort. A pussy fart, a vaginal fart, and as the Brits call it, a “fanny fart”, since they call pussy ‘fanny’, not ass like the rest of us. Sexual activity, or in some cases yoga due to the strange positions one can get into, is air in the vagina that makes a farting noise while escaping. I’d imagine vigorous sex where it’s more forceful than usual would increase the chance of this happening.

Having not personally experienced this myself, I can’t really give a personal take on it or the embarrassment factor involved, but I’d not think it as bad as the other type of farting, since they are helping it along but fucking you too forcefully! The amount of air would be less due to the size of the vaginal cavity alone, nor would it smell, like the other kind. It’s been mentioned since the days of ancient Greece, so it’s by no means a new phenomena. People really need to get over these things, it’s just the way it is, but I can imagine it would be a bit embarrassing, as things always are when our bodies seemingly betray us at inopportune moments.

Like most things in life we have little choice but to accept it. There’s not really anything we can do to prevent this, it’s not like cutting down on gas producing foods like beans and cabbage will affect pussy farts, they will not, as it is not dietary related, it’s odd position and force related. Turn up the background music I guess and hope they don’t notice? Can’t hurt!

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