Porn is so common place today, we barely give it a second thought. Many guys watch free porn as they masturbate, but think, just a couple of decades ago that was not the case. I grew up without the internet, pay t.v. cable channels didn’t even come out until the early 80’s so ones could watch from the comfort of their own homes, VCR’s were not common until the mid 80’s, guys now turn on their computer and have free porn in seconds. Just think how guys had to rough it with a ill gotten Playboy until then.
Even a magazine like Playboy wasn’t around before the 50’s. Imagine having to make do with your imagination or being a peeping Tom and spying on someone. That was pretty much your only choice. People have so much available at their disposal today, they have no idea what things used to be like, how plain jerking off must have been without all these modern conveniences that we now have and take for granted. It’s a different world, there’s so much more available to everyone if they have access to the internet, it’s literally a whole new world to them that opens up.
Ones today have it so easy! Imagine jerking off in the days of Little House On The Prairie. No porn, no erotic audios, no telephones for phone sex, hell, not even any running water in most homes to wash the cum off of your hand, good Lord, what a way to live! So let’s all be grateful for things in the modern world.