It’s natural to want more than we have, to covet that which belongs to others. If everyone is game, then let’s just call it wife swapping and be done with it. Up to 4% of the population of married couple are into the swinger lifestyle, that may seem like a small number but that’s millions of people. They actually report being happier and enjoying life more than couples in more traditional marriages, by quite a lot if the statistics are to be believed.
Many people see others behind their spouses backs, nothing new about that, but for ones to swing, swap and be open about it, that is the difference there. Ones that do it in secret, seem to be getting involved emotionally and can and do leave their spouses for the one they are seeing at times, in swinging, sex is viewed more as a physical recreation, a sport as it were and therefore the regular jealousies and emotions are not coming into play, so it’s not a threat to a relationship the way seeing someone in secret is. Ones acting in secret are often unhappy, ones in swapping are more often not, they just view sex as a fun activity to be enjoyed with others, not as an emotionally bonding experience within a relationship.
Swinging has increased in popularity since birth control such as the pill became widely available and many swinging communities once the members are tested have sex freely with each other without worries of sexually transmitted diseases. I knew a young man into this lifestyle, and they had a group of a couple dozen people and they considered each other safe to play with no worries of condoms. Everyone had either been sterilized or was on the pill. Not for everyone, but if both people wish to engage in sex as a sport, there are many swinging clubs out there, and many do require blood tests when you become part of theirĀ group.