Imagine being attracted to a robot. A sex android. Someone that has a control panel and can be made programmed to your own specific tastes, desired looks, measurements and to say all the things that you wish a woman would say and none of the nagging and harping and saying no that gets so annoying. Men that are into robot fetish have these sorts of fantasies. Have the woman of your dreams for a short time then turn her off and put her away in the closet when you are finished with her.
Men into this sort of fantasy prefer a more submissive type of woman that will not ever challenge them or question them, they will do as programmed and nothing more. No surprises, just a sex partner that will please them whenever called upon to do so with no questions asked for as long as they are needed to.
I often question if they seek a real woman at all, since having sex with a robot that has been programmed takes away all individuality of a partner, it’s a glorified sex toy, not a person with their own thoughts and feelings. It is strictly programmed to do as commanded and nothing more. It will not argue, will not talk back disrespectfully, won’t complain about your friends. It cannot love you, it’s not capable of real emotions, only what its programmed to, not a thing more. It’s kind of sad and lonely really no matter how good it makes you physically feel, but then I guess most men are not looking for emotions during sex, just the physical feelings, so I guess in a way it makes sense. Women just don’t think that way…