There seems to be a rash of men all of a sudden interested in wrestling matches in some sort of erotic setting. I have gotten calls from one client that wants to talk about his ex girlfriends all of a sudden meeting up and getting into cat fights, we discuss height, weight, names, new boyfriends there that are egging them on, hair pulling, slapping, clothes pulling etc.
There are also some men that want to talk about engaging in wrestling with ex boyfriends and husbands. They seem to like the may the best man win mentality of it all and want to fight these men for the women at stake. I am not quite sure what is to blame for all of this, but in the last year there has been a real increase in ones asking for these types of calls. I can only blame the increasing levels of violence in society for this kind of rough and tumble scenarios that are playing out in the minds of horny men across America. Violence seems to affect so many areas of our lives, it’s no surprise sex has also become intertwined with it as well.
Sex and love should be beautiful, peaceful expressions, yet some want to pervert it and make it mixed up with violence. What is the matter with people of today, I cannot understand it. I guess as long as something remains in fantasy there is no harm. How many men are actually going to become involved in wrestling matches with the ex boyfriends of their girlfriends. This is an odd trend though. Seems swords and dueling pistols were the more chivalrous thing in the past, yet by the same token, wrestling doesn’t usually kill or maim as they did, but it just doesn’t seem the gentlemanly thing to be involved in.