Even though it exists in every country in the world, many look down on prostitution as a big sexual taboo.
Why, I honestly don’t personally grasp. It should be a persons fundamental right to do with their own body as they choose. They aren’t hurting anyone, and many women are doing it because they have no other way to make money. For some it is a last resort to income, and to make that illegal is insane to me.
If it was legalized as it is in a few civilized countries like Holland and Australia and regulated, it would be better for everyone. Just because an act is illegal does not stop it from happening, it just drives it underground and brings organized crime into the equation.
Women are repressed in a great many cultures and countries around the world, and by making prostitution illegal it is just further taking away their autonomy.
Regulation is the most sensible and safe answer, but the religious ones are the ones that don’t want it in their communities. They think it is terrible. Do you think if they still outlaw the sale of sex toys in Alabama, which is beyond laughable, that they would be legalizing prostitution? I don’t think so. They want to force their own moral codes down the throats of others that do not share their beliefs.
Prostitution will always be with us, it’s not the world’s oldest profession for no reason. The question is will the lawmakers ever give people the right to do as they wish, not likely in such a puritanical based country as the U.S.A