What is it about a footjob? Some guys want one so badly, yet are afraid to ask their partners for one. They think they will just be seen as too perverted if they do. That always makes me laugh, since as far as fetishes go, a foot fetish is about as tame as it gets. I’d give it the old college try if someone asked me to do it, but I’d probably be laughing as I did so. Not all ladies have pretty feet, some are quite gnarly and most men even if they had a foot fetish wouldn’t want it on their cock when it can be so ugly. Well, maybe if the lights were turned out, but then the whole joy of the foot job is being able to see the feet in action on their cock.
Does foot fetish porn get you going like nothing else? Are pretty feet and toes caressing a nice, nude cock what gets you going? It’s amazing the ones that think it’s so twisted they’d be afraid to ask their partners to give them one. There’s certainly worse things one could ask for their partner to do, but if someone doesn’t want to do it, that’s fine, but it can’t hurt to ask. The answer might just be yes.
Tender tootsies caressing your lubed up cock, pretty painted toenails that are soon going to be covered with your load of cum. Some love the smell of feet and don’t just want a footjob, but like to worship the feet as well. Kissing and sucking toes, running those toes all over your body, we both know of course the toes will wander they way back down to that cock. They will curl around it, tug on it, drive you crazy. You really love a footjob, you naughty boy, don’t you?