Some guys go for the more extreme women, some are into “body art”. I for one am not a fan of tattoos, I would never get one and wouldn’t want to be with a guy that had any. I consider it marring ones body. But I realize they are becoming more and more common place, though I cannot grasp why.
Sometimes I think a man might think a woman with tattoos is a more loose woman by nature, not so concerned about societies conventions and all of that, more of a “I do what I want”, sort, so perhaps more sexually liberal.
The body piercings also seem to go hand in hand with ones into body art. The lip rings, nose studs. I don’t get it. One hole in each earlobe is enough in my books, but I guess I’m a bit old fashioned. I recall in my teens my best friend had two holes in each earlobe and I wanted that as well, I’m so glad I never followed through with it and stuck with the one hole I had. She soon got many ear piercings all the way up to the tips of her ear, I don’t get it, and she was a boy crazy sort as well, so maybe there’s something to it. If you see a tattooed girl or one with many piercings, you may well get further than with a girl with no tats and only one piercing.
It used to be the lady at the circus was one of the only tattooed ladies you could see, now any mall or city bus has a few of their own right there. I’d like to see these painted characters at 60 and see how happy they are with their body art they got on a whim in their youth. Oh well, I have no sympathy for them. Let them look like painted freaks.