One thing many callers do is also visit escorts. Some men say they will never pay for any kind of sex, that they get everything they want for free, well, I guess some are lucky enough that they don’t need to, but many others see sex and all it’s branches like phone sex, cam sex and escorting as entertainment and you pay for entertainment. Chances are ones seeing escorts and paying for sex are also having sex with much better looking girls than the ones that are claiming they always get it for free.
Once they grasp it’s just another form of entertainment you pay for, the better off they will be. Some men especially are unattractive and would stand little if any chance of having any type of sexual encounter with a woman at all if they weren’t paying for it, to them escorts are like manna from the heavens. Even ones that claim they will never pay often have an interest or fetish no woman is going to give them for free, or easily find, like a tranny escort. Trannies are not on every street corner and can be hard to find and things that are scarce are often things we need to pay for.
So if you’ve been a bit hard up lately and have no woman in your life to fool around with, then maybe it’s time you ponied up and got an escort or called a phone sex line, hearing a woman cum or fucking them after a long time without can feel like coming home. Isn’t it time you had some pussy again? On the phone or for real? Hasn’t it been long enough?