Now I almost never watch callers on cam because I do not like it at all, but a caller this week really wanted me to, so I consented and was a bit shocked for what I saw. He was wearing ladies lingerie and fishnet stockings and had a less than three inch penis. He’d mentioned the small cock, so that I was prepared for, but the rest of the get up, no.
He was also quite into using huge, and I do mean huge dildos on himself and brought out an assortment starting at thirteen inches and up to sixteen inches long. They had suction cups on the back of them and he stuck a thirteen inch one to the wall and pulled his panties aside and backed into it. He proudly said he didn’t use lube and it took his ass two days to shrink back down to normal size. It was quite the eye opening experience to be sure.
He apparently has quite a wardrobe of ladies lingerie he owns and wears nearly every time he masturbates. The dildos he doesn’t want to use daily for fear he’d permanently stretch himself out and have *gulp* anal leakage issues. Too much information! They are a special treat to be taken out for special occasions, butt he lingerie there is no danger of, so it’s used much more liberally. There’s so many men out there wearing lingerie under their clothes people wouldn’t believe it, it’s very, very common. The supersized sex toys less so, but some truly enjoy being feminized.