Pleasure And Pain


How can something that is painful be considered a pleasure to some? They are what is called a masochist. They enjoy feeling pain inflicted upon them, by themselves or others. Cock and ball torture is one way that some masochistic men like their pain, it can also be intertwined with tease and denial in some cases.

It is a mystery why anyone would want one of their most sensitive body parts to feel pain. What could be more sensitive that your genitals, maybe your eyeball, yet you do not hear about eyeball torture, people are odd. Lots of clients call up wanting me to describe quite severe cock and ball torture and I can hear them smacking away on their manly bits with everything from the bottoms of shoes to wet wooden spoons, they do like the pain and I laugh at their antics since it’s so nuts they are willingly doing so.

Some will insert things down their cock and feel the effects of that even days later, like Q Tips coated with icy hot muscle gel, or hot sauce or frozen straws that have been filled with ice and they slide that down inside, sometimes with bad results. I don’t have a penis, so I cannot say why guys do the things they do to theirs, very odd how they think at times, things they find arousing that to most would be too painful to even consider doing. Such is the world of the cock and ball torture enthusiast.

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