Big And Black


An unusual call I had recently was a man that wanted me to portray a news reporter. Not the first time I’ve had that request, the second, so not common, but this time the reporter was out looking for young black youths, 11-13, and how they had fully developed cocks and that white, sex deprived housewives were very anxious to try their young cocks on national television.

So the reporter and the sex starved housewives were driving around combing the streets of Atlanta, the first city I could think of with a high population of black people, looking for young black guys to bring back to the studio to try them out and compare their cock sizes. This was an unusual call to be sure and he was quite demanding, wanting every detail just so. The whole idea is bizarre, but obviously it’s what turns him on, so what’s the harm I guess.

The idea of blacks having bigger cocks is something deeply ingrained into the minds of many white men making them feel sexually inadequate. Not quite sure why he brought the really young ages into it, but he wanted them to be man sized even at that age, the housewives were quite taken with the young blacks and their cocks, believe me. So much so they wanted to be stretched wide for the whole nation to see on t.v. Their husbands would no doubt be shocked to see them take such a young black boy and get more satisfied with their cocks than their husbands.

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